***Update: Since this article, we have created quite a few block activities and decided to make a printable dice game pack for you! Get that free download here.***
Dear Reader,
Today we played with dice. You can make your own, use what you have, or improvise with this one. To be simple all you have to have is a 6 sided die or two. You could make a list of six activities for your child to do, Or use an activity dice.
I made mine, but the girls had fun anyways.

The activity is pretty simple. First you start with rolling the dice (one for the activity and one for how many times you do the activity). Second you do the activity on the activity die the number of times it shows on the number die.
The activities can be simple, stomp your feet. Clap your hands. The possibilities can be endless, or as endless as your imagination ( I had to wrack my brains to figure out some and came up with some like do the cha cha.)
This gets your kids moving and you can even practice counting with them. A big bonus is that they usually like tossing the dice too.
My kids loved this for a while, then little sister wanted in and she didn’t know how to share. Cue crying. Oh well, definitely worth trying again.