Dear Reader,
My kids were sick over the weekend and I decided that now they are starting to feel better playing with soap would be a good thing.
To make the foam all you need is water, some soap (I used baby bath soap), and some food coloring. Mix the solution together with a blender, hand blender, or even an electric mixer.
As you can see I chose to mix this in my blender. The solution is 1/2 cup water, 2 T soap, 4-5 drops of food coloring. For most of my colors 4-5 drops was enough but you can’t really tell that the green is green in my foam.
I made 4 batches, but by the time I was able to get my foam out for my kids to play the first batch was already returning to water state, so I suggest you don’t do more than that or somehow make bigger batches.
My kids loved this, though the youngest was wierded out by the whole thing. He got a little on his hands because older siblings were flinging the soap around and didn’t know what to do with it.
As I said earlier the kids started flinging the foam around, so be prepared for this to be messy. I knew it would be a little messy and so I had them go outside to play with it. The great thing about this is that you can just hose off any mess.
Hope you enjoy this activity as much as my children did!