Dear Reader,
I have been struggling to get my child to stop playing with her spit. I don’t understand why she started in the first place, but she will spit on her hands and rub them everywhere.
As you no doubt know, this is very unsanitary and really really gross. Nothing I have tried so far has worked.
I have been at my wits end so I finally asked my other childs Occupational therapist for some ideas. Thankfully she had some.
The therapist suggested that we play with things like slime or playdough when she has the need to play with her spit. There was a significant drop in playing with spit when I finally let her play with the playdough.
A problem occurred though when I realized that some of the time she plays with her spit is in the car. Playdough/slime do not go well with a car.
That’s where this idea comes in. Placing the playdough in a ziplock bag she gets to play with the playdough without making a mess in my car.
There has been even less playing with her spit since taking the playdough in the bag, with only one instance where I had to tell her to take her hand out of her mouth. Even with this instance though she wasn’t sliming up her hand in spit, just placing it in her mouth.
So if you are struggling with a child playing with thier spit, like i was, or just want something for your kids to do in the car this is a good idea. Just place the playdough in a Ziploc freezer bag, tape it up, and let your kids have fun.