Dear Reader,
It was interesting to see the different paint style of my children. Each had their own style, but each had fun painting.
The idea behind this activity was to have my children paint on a white piece of paper to find the spiderweb. The oldest traced the lines she could see of the white crayon. The middle child scribbled painted all over the page, until she saw the older child making spots on her paper so she had to do that too. The Toddler (who was really only participating because I didn’t want to fight her off and just make the activity miserable for everyone) painted, and painted, and painted on one spot until the whole page was so soaked it just tore.
You may notice that in the pictures they are using Q-tips to paint with. Why would I use Q-tips? Well the simple answer was that the girls lost their paintbrushes and these were the closest thing I could find. Q-tips can also help you practice the right grasp technique that you need for writing as well.
This Activity was simple and my girls loved it. I may just have to watch the water a little closer next time because the finished pieces got a little soaked in the end. Oh well, at least they dried out. Little sister decided to crumble hers into an unrecognizable mush after she got it so soaked that there was no saving it though.