Dear Reader,
I wasn’t going to post this because it wasn’t even my idea, it was my sister-in-law’s. But since my toddlers have been puking the past few days, they weren’t really in the mood to do anything but snuggle this week. So, here’s an old activity (obviously, since it’s a Christmas one) to tide us over to feeling better.

My sister-in-law went to the store and got clear plastic ornaments, tissue paper, and pom poms in Christmas colors. then she just let the kids fill them however they wanted. They all had a blast! It was a great activity for working on pincer grasp, that was for sure. And it was a good sensory activity, as well.
When we were done, we all ate cookies and donuts and the kids ran to go play. My toddlers kept trying to put the ornaments on her tree instead of realizing they could bring them home!
Anyway, sorry so short, and that it’s after Christmas, but fingers crossed this bug passes quickly and no one else gets it!