Kids Need Play

Doesn’t Belong

Dear Reader

Have you ever heard the song “One of these things is not like the other’s, One of these things just doesn’t belong.”? That is what inspired this game. The great thing is that your kids will love it and you are able to sneak in some learning with it.

Being able to sort out the things that match and don’t match is a beginning math concept. I was surprised how well my preschooler was able to grasp this concept.

She could see that something was different between most of the options that I gave her, until I started venturing into the not so obvious differences. She could see that the cars were different than the little people angel, but struggled to grasp that the soft toys were different than the hard toys (this may have been my fault for using a stuffed horse and a plastic horse with the teddy bears).

My preschooler loved this game, and I got bored of it way before she did. She kept coming up to me through out the day asking to play again.

There are a lot of paper worksheets that have this activity for a child to do, but I figured, why not use what I have around the house? There are so many more options than the pictures give you. You could do colors, shapes, textures, taste.

In the end, I did enjoy doing it. I just suggest you have a lot of options gathered so you can just sit and play with your child. If you don’t you may end up running back in forth because they figured out all your choices in the first 5 seconds.

Summer at

Kids Need Play

Stacking Cans

Dear Reader

One of my kids favorite things to do is to play with the cans in my cupboard. They are constantly taking them out and stacking them. The great thing about this is that I don’t have to watch too closely while they play with them.

This is a game that even the youngest toddler can play. At a young age they may only be able to stack one on top of another reaching 2 cans high, but it is great practice.

My 11 month old was having a blast playing with the cans. I was surprised at how well he was doing.

All you need is cans and your kids will do the rest. Just be aware that your cans may end up dented, or missing labels. The younger ones won’t be able to stack very high, so you don’t need to worry about it falling on their heads.

This kept them busy for at least 20 min. So if you need to keep them busy while you get something done this is a great option.

Summer at

Kids Need Play

Paper plate lion

Dear Reader,

My daughter has really been struggling with scissor skills. It fits right in with all the fine motor stuff she’s been working on in OT. The fact is that if given the choice between big movements and small, this girly will choose big. And it goes further than movements. I’ve got an active, grand-movement-only type child. Nothing should be small in her mind. So slowing down and working on stuff she has to concentrate on is a major task for her. That’s why I looked up a list of scissor skills and made up scissor-cutting worksheets, and I’m working on a series of activities to use them.

From my fairly thorough internet research, scissor skills development includes:

  1. snipping at the paper (cutting off small chunks)
  2. cutting fringe (think the bottom of take a number papers. Or this activity)
  3. cutting straight lines all the way through a paper
  4. cutting zigzag lines all the way through a paper
  5. cutting out shapes and objects
  6. cutting out wavy lines

Please don’t count me an expert. An internet search doesn’t equal an OT degree. But I at least know we can work on those skills! So, I got to work creating the pages, and then we worked on making crafts with them. Today’s craft, as seen above, is a lion face. I made one with my daughter (you can see the difference in the skill level… at least I hope, haha), gave here a Styrofoam plate and a dry erase marker (I am sure it works just as well – if not better with a paper plate and washable markers, but we went with what we had) and showed her my example and she drew her own lion face. As mentioned above, she’s not big on small movements, so coloring is not her favorite thing. I think coloring on a different object than paper, and with a different medium, made it entertaining enough, but there is definitely a strong scribble game going on. And then, on to the part she wanted to do: Cutting the fringe mane.

After I cut the strips and she cut the fringe, I showed her how to curl the fringe. She had no patience for it, so we kinda did a few and then left it. Then, on to gluing. I found it easiest to glue the strips myself with liquid glue so that they got a little soggy and pliable before I handed them to her and had her put them around the plate. you need to curve/fold/bend them. obviously, because you’re working with a square paper and wrapping it around a round plate. Praise getting it on the plate because it’s harder than it sounds for preschoolers. Honestly, it was a challenge for me as an adult, so of course it’d be hard for preschoolers.

As far as skills, I’m pretty impressed. I mean I know it’s not “hey look at my super talented kid and what she can do.” but it was fun. And real. And she did pretty well for her relatively first craft. And I’m gonna do other similar projects because we need more scissor practice.

Keira at
Kids Need Play

Tent play

Dear Reader,

The nice thing about toddlers is that when they’re little, everything is an adventure. Including busting out a camping tool! we bought this little tent when my preschooler was little so we could go camping without worrying that our adventurous girl would wander off while we were all sleeping. It also came in handy on trips. And now, it makes a great play tent for a couple of adventurous little toddlers! As long as it stays fun, it’s useful, eh? Just don’t make it feel like they’re stuck there, because that totally changes the mood. It’s not fun if they feel like it’s not their choice. Grown ups are the same way.

Actually I was digging through the camping stuff when I found it and decided it would be fun. And the truth is, the preschooler still enjoys playing in it too, so it couldn’t have been that bad of a purchase.

If you want to check it out, you can still find it on amazon here. I am not an affiliate, so clicking on any links will give me a whole lotta nada. But that shouldn’t change your opinion. Do your own digging. And if you don’t wanna buy anything but still want to play with your toddler, it absolutely would work to just throw blankets onto a chair or something. Especially if you crawl under and play, which is kinda the point. Read a book, throw a few toys in, let toddlers learn through play – and you can’t go wrong.

Keira at
Kids Need Play

Bubble bath

Dear Reader,

As I have stated before, my kids love water. They will play in it any form that it comes in.

As toddlers one of their simplest joys is the bath. They also love bubbles. Adding bubbles to a bath is a great sensory play activity. Obviously since this is a bath this is one of the more involved activities we do, but my kids could play there for quite a while. The biggest perk I have to this is that if they are playing in the tub they aren’t making messes everywhere else.

Expect to get wet. Kids love to splash, especially when they are in the tub it seems. Sometimes this is not a bad thing, but if you want your floor to stay dry, this probably isn’t the right activity.

That being said, my kids could play in this for quite a while, long past the bubbles. If you need to sit down this is the perfect activity because the bathroom comes with the perfect seat to sit on while you are watching them!

Okay, so to sum up: You get to keep the mess in one area, you get to sit down, and the kids love it! Plus you get a little sensory play in as well. Have fun!

Summer at
Kids Need Play

Dice Roll

***Update: Since this article, we have created quite a few block activities and decided to make a printable dice game pack for you! Get that free download here.***

Dear Reader,

Today we played with dice. You can make your own, use what you have, or improvise with this one. To be simple all you have to have is a 6 sided die or two. You could make a list of six activities for your child to do, Or use an activity dice.

I made mine, but the girls had fun anyways.

The activity is pretty simple. First you start with rolling the dice (one for the activity and one for how many times you do the activity). Second you do the activity on the activity die the number of times it shows on the number die.

The activities can be simple, stomp your feet. Clap your hands. The possibilities can be endless, or as endless as your imagination ( I had to wrack my brains to figure out some and came up with some like do the cha cha.)

This gets your kids moving and you can even practice counting with them. A big bonus is that they usually like tossing the dice too.

My kids loved this for a while, then little sister wanted in and she didn’t know how to share. Cue crying. Oh well, definitely worth trying again.

Summer at
Kids Need Play

**Freebie!** Stick Figure Models

Dear Reader,

I don’t know how it’s been for you lately, but my preschooler has been on one! She has been nagging nonstop and even yelled at her occupational therapist (we’re working on her pincer grasp. She struggles with fine motor skills. In my personal opinion, that is because everything she does is at 100 mph and she has no time to slow down and focus long enough to master said fine motor skills. This girl was born with a fire underneath her). I wanted to make an activity we could do together to hopefully reset the ‘tude she’s been dishing lately, so I made an activity that would hopefully let her slow down long enough and enjoy some time with me. I’m sharing it free with you (you’ll still need to grab a few supplies) in hopes that your kids will enjoy it, too. Scroll down to grab the freebie.

You’re gonna want to grab a few coffee stirrers (we call them hot chocolate stirrers) and save a milk lid for this activity, so plan ahead. But once you’ve gotten what you need, all you have left to do is to print out the page, cut the little figures apart (pretty important if your kiddo is easily distracted like mine. Not so important if that kiddo is older or less distracted), and sit down and build. I am pretty confident that an older preschooler would be able to enjoy themselves with little assistance, but younger kids definitely need some help figuring out how to move the pieces just right. It requires a bit of hand-eye-coordination and spacial relation. Bonus! This activity also works with the pincer grasp (we are becoming very familiar with those types of activities)!

Anyway, download the page and let me know how it goes!

Freebie from

Keira at
Kids Need Play

Toddlers like fetch, go figure

Dear reader,

Today I tried to teach my newly-minted-toddlers to roll the ball back and forth. I tried to roll the ball and they just kept handing the ball back instead of rolling it, and they seemed to have more fun bringing it back than anything else, so I improvised. Come to find out, toddlers really like playing fetch! I’m sure rolling it back will come later, but for now, … Well, we will class it up a bit and call it roll and go, haha!

One of the girls was a bit more keen on going and getting it, while the other was happier if I rolled it directly to her and let her bring it back to me, but that definitely comes down to personality; and let me say, it definitely fits with other aspects of their personalities. For instance, the one that loved going to get the ball is also the one that has been walking for a month and the one that would rather me roll it right to her is the one more quiet and interested in one-on-one interactions. That’s one of my favorite things about having twins: seeing how differently the same task can be done by a different personality. I look forward to more opportunities to observe that difference in the future.

Keira at
Kids Need Play

Freeze Dance Party

Dear Reader,

Life has been rough here the last little while, resulting in my surgery the other day. I really needed something simple and easy to occupy my kids, and having a dance party is the perfect thing.

Dance Party is a favorite activity here. It gets my kids active and I can basically just put it on and let them do the rest.

I find YouTube to be the easiest supplier of dance songs, but if you have dance music CDs (I know, old school but I grew up with them so I still have a few lying around) or even a playlist on something you can use those.

As I said this is mostly a hands off activity but if you want to join in you will more than likely get your kiddos to do more dancing. It will also keep them involved longer if you are joining in and bonus you get some exercise too!

Summer at
Kids Need Play

Ice Painting

Dear Reader,

Today for the toddlers I decided to do ice painting. I have been wanting to try this for a while, I just haven’t gotten to it until today. Life has been crazy, and since I didn’t have an ice maker it does require some prep work for me.

The Girls really loved it, but it ended a little too soon for all of us. Perhaps next time I will try to thicken the “paint”. Another option is to have one for each of my kiddos and paint for each of them too, so more stuff.

The problem I have with thickening the “paint” is that I wanted an easy cleanup and water and food coloring seemed to be the best for that, though some of the colors were not very bright, so perhaps I need to add something to it.

As I said earlier I don’t have an ice maker, so I had to make the ice myself. This also meant limited storage for the ice. If you wanted to spend money I guess you could buy a bag of ice, but I just wanted to do something easy.

For the paint I did water and food coloring. The red worked the best, as it usually does. Next time I will add more color for the others to make them brighter and maybe some flour to make it thicker? Flour would also help bring out the color as well, but it would not be as easy to clean up if they spilled on the ground.

If you have any ideas let me know, and we will be glad to try them out. Or if you tried a variation and want to share your success be sure to let us know! We would love to hear from you.

Summer at