Who is Keira?

Keira? Who’s Keira?

Favorite childhood pic.

I’m a terribly inconsistent woman who tries to conquer the world before bedtime, and sometimes succeeds. I over-achieve, over-plan, and over-analyze, all the while never reaching my expectations of myself. I constantly get so caught up in a single idea that I let everything else fall into chaos around me. I tend to channel Martha more than Mary, and Corrie more than Betsie, although I am starting to find the harmony in both.

I’m the queen of good intentions, but have terrible follow-through. I have a strong sense of right and wrong, and it gets me into trouble sometimes. I’m bold and have big ideas. I love symbolism and learning new things. My passions change regularly, along with my favorite color, which is usually more of a favorite color combination. I love anything involving research, I love teaching myself new skills. I love defying all odds, and nothing lights the fire under me like telling me I can’t do something. I am good for the sake of being good, and have always struggled with being told to be good because then I lose my agency to choose for myself. I LOVE agency and watching how people use it.

I secretly wish that I could somehow both change the world and crawl under a rock and hide at the same time. I have a passion for sharing how I feel the light that I feel. Light is very important to me, it’s part of my very core. I have both light and dark in me, and I am okay with that. I see both the good and bad. I see human weaknesses, and I love them, because in weaknesses are true strengths. Most people misinterpret my love of weaknesses as pessimism, but I don’t see it as such. I see it as a willingness to see the whole picture and accept it for what it is, while focusing on constant improvement.

My senior pic. I often get comments on the hairstyle. Ironically, I never wore my hair this way, my hairstylist cousin did it for me. The rolled up pants, though; that was totally me.

I look at the world differently than the people around me. I have a knack for gauging what people are thinking before they ever say anything, which can get me into trouble. I question everything, and if I like what I find, I make it a part of me, creating a constant self-change. Every day, I like myself a little more. Every day, I add more Pieces of Me.

What do you do, exactly?

A little of everything? Seriously. I love homeschooling, although that’s not currently happening. I love gardening and canning, but I’m not so good at the managing-the-weeds-thing. I love quilting and crafting and celebrating and living. My resume includes cleaning clinics, cake decorating, and wedding planning…Mostly, I shake it off, and step up.