A Day in the Life, Gratitude Dare

Weighing In

So, it’s day 14. I’ve been sort of keeping up… Meaning I’ve fallen behind on writing, but I’m all caught up now. At any rate, I just wanted to weigh in. How is the challenge working for anyone else? Is anyone even doing it?

I wanted to share an anecdote from my day. Testimonial from the source. It’s lunch time, and I’d had a bowl of soup already (I love soup. fyi. In case you really wanted to know), but I was still hungry. So I made myself a peanut butter sandwich. I reached in and got a butterknife, looked over at all of the dishes I’d managed to get dirty just by feeding my family breakfast and lunch, and instead of thinking ugh. Dishes. It stinks that so many get dirty. I thought,

I am so blessed to have clean dishes when I go to reach for some.

No joke! Score a point for the home team, it’s working!

also, here are some excerpts of what I am thankful for. I haven’t posted them on here, because I wanted the chance to actually get personal with them, but I’ve chosen some to share here. I thought it was appropriate.

[warning]This first one might be gruesome for some. [/warning]

I am blessed to have people I can rely on in an emergency. Tonight at the Relief Society activity, my daughter’s nose started bleeding rampantly. This is her 4th nosebleed in 36 hours. I rushed her to the bathroom to clean it up and get it to stop bleeding. I couldn’t get it to stop. And then, as we were pulling the tissue away, we pulled out a 2” clump (seriously, not an exaggeration), that wasn’t attached to anything, just clotting in her nose since there was so much blood and the stuff on the walls of the nose was still fresh and oozing. So I opened the door in the RS room, asked the first person I saw if they had a vehicle and if they could drive us to our house. Instead, we bypassed the house and went straight for the ER. She even stayed with us and gave us a ride back home. I was so grateful! We got the nose all cleared up… right before the doc walks in, naturally. I’m pretty sure that it was about an hour’s worth of bleeding. He checked for anemia, didn’t see any signs. Needless to say, we’re adapting to the Vaseline in the nose routine at our house. I think I’ve perfected it, because she doesn’t hate it nearly as much as I used to. It’s all about breathing out while you’re stuffing that cue tip up your nose.

I’m blessed for soup. My friend gave me the recipe last year, and it has been such a blessing to my life! I have been able to share it with others, and it has blessed their lives as well. Something about this soup made from ingredients I grew, that is hearty and healthy… It’s soul food. I’m so lucky to have such an amazing resource at my disposal. It’s also quick and easy to grab in nights that we’re in a hurry.


I am blessed to have a husband that encourages me to take time off. The world makes husbands out to be a “what did you do all day” sort of person, but Ranger has never even implied that I was lazy; quite the contrary. He often rejoices in a day taken just for myself. I am so grateful that he encourages me in resting. He makes me feel accomplished even when I didn’t do anything, because it meant I was taking care of myself. And I love him for that.

I am blessed by bears that say prayers. My daughter had her bear kneel down with us during prayers tonight. I didn’t see her do it, I just opened my eyes, and he was there. That is a childhood memory I want to keep. So sweet and innocent. She is such a breath of fresh air. Nov

I’m blessed to have a past. Because of my past, I see things in others. Because of my past, I have warning signs to notify me of danger. But I can also show a level of compassion not available from a soul that has not also suffered. The human existence needs other humans to succeed. We need to be understood, and I’m grateful to have that level of understanding.


Gratitude Dare

Day 14: A Matter of Fortunes

dareYesterday, you served someone that needed a hand up. It wasn’t so hard. At least mentally. Right? How glorious and like the savior, to lift someone up, lighten a load, and carry a burden.

But what about all of those above you on life’s totem pole? The funny thing is, that totem pole is all inside your own head. Everyone has something dragging them down. And if they say they don’t they either have a good attitude or they’re lying. And I doubt it’s all good attitude, maybe partially, but not entirely. Everyone has bad days. It’s part of the plan. Everyone has something to work on, something to overcome and something to learn. Or they wouldn’t be here.

As humans, we tend to find things others have that we lack. Someone has all the money they need to pay the bills and actually gets to buy their wants. Someone has all the faith it takes to overcome the obstacles. Someone’s burdens are lighter. Someone has angel children. Someone has lots of children.

Think of someone who you think has “everything.” I bet it was pretty easy to find them in your mind. Now find a way to serve them.

The interesting thing is, by so doing, you will realize how much pride comes into play in your heart. And when you realize it’s there, send it packing. Pride and gratitude don’t mix, and it’s time for ours to take a vacation. A long one. Possibly forever. Perhaps that is one of the biggest blinders man has that God doesn’t. Pride distorts our views of our fellow beings. It keeps us from seeing people as they really are. God doesn’t have those distortions. Everyone has something to love about them, and something they’re working on.

so today, see people as God sees them. Serve them.

Gratitude Dare

Day 13: service

If you aced yesterday’s Anyway Principle, you’ll have no problems with today. We’re simply taking a step up. Yesterday’s anyway principle showed us how easy service can be. It’s just one extra step in a direction we were going anyway. But that’s not the all-encompassing direction of service. Sometimes service is out of our way. Sometimes it isn’t something we are doing anyway. But it still needs done, and sometimes we are the best person for the job. Today, do one act of service that is out of your way. [tooltip text=”Bigweld; Robots, 2005″]See a need, fill an need.[/tooltip] Observe and serve. And then if you revert back to the Anyway service, that’s okay, too.


Gratitude Dare

Day 12: Anyway

Once when I was a teenager, I learned a concept that stood out to me. I brought it home to my family, and we realized how much a part of our life the concept is. We always called it the Anyway Principle.

If you’re going to make dinner anyway, why not make extra and give it to the family of a sick mother?

If you’re going to go to an activity anyway, why not fill the empty seats in the car with someone who needs a ride?

If you’re at your desk anyway, why not write a “just thinking of you” note to someone on your mind?

When I googled the Anyway principle, it came to my attention that there is more than one “Anyway Principle,” and that my version is all but obsolete. The other principle, which is more of an “Anyway Challenge,” discusses a few paradoxical commandments, written by Kent M. Keith.

Although at first the principles seemed so different to me, I thought about it, did some research, and studied a bit of the grammar that I love. Whether something is negative or not, like in the paradoxical commandments, it doesn’t change the word (from what I can tell, the direction you’re looking – positive or negative – is the only difference between the paradoxical commandments and the anyway principle I knew: one states the opposition to the plan, while the other focuses on the proactive side of the plan. It doesn’t change the use of the word. Both mean “regardless,” “in any  case,” or “nevertheless”). If you are going to do something anyway, do it. Don’t let something stand in your way. Do something good no matter what opposition you face. If you’re going to reach out, who cares who tries to stop you! Especially if the person trying to stop you is yourself. Do it anyway.

But to me, grammar aside, there is still a difference I can’t ignore. One is active, the other is proactive. One is looking back and saying “I will move forward, anyway.” The other says, “I will move forward anyway, so what’s one more step.” One looks back and sees all the reasons not to do something. The other ignores all the reasons not to, and just looks at what they can do, and how much further they can go. If you are doing something anyway, is there someone you can bring along with you or something you can do while you’re out? If you’re cooking dinner anyway, can you make extra? 

I guess it’s the anyway principle inside of the anyway principle. You can choose to follow Kent M. Keith’s anyway principle (it’s still forward movement, so it counts. And some days, that might be all you can handle. Smile anyway…), but if you’re going to do it anyway…

Gratitude Dare

Day 11: Noted

dareI feel that as long as you’re thanking someone, it counts as thanking them. If you only write one thank you note, that’s okay. At least write one. For the rest of November, thank someone however feels the most real to you.

The benefit of thank you notes is that they can be kept after you write them. A compliment is forgotten quickly, but a thank you note can be seen and recalled to memory often.

And an added bonus: I am so much better at writing than I am at speaking.

So, our daily checklist looks something like this:

  1. Wake up and say it’s a glorious day
  2. Take 30 seconds to just be glad you’re alive.
  3. Look for the silver lining.
  4. Go for a walk
  5. write down 3 paragraphs about how you are blessed.
  6. Tell someone thank you.

See, we’re on day 11 and only have 6 things per day to do! That’s not too complicated. Ahh, the benefits of expounding instead of expanding.

Gratitude Dare

Day 10: Comfort zone

Sometimes saying thank you is outside of your comfort zone. Do it anyway!


I know that for me (who, according to personality tests is both an introvert and an extrovert… explain that one), every day of going outside of your comfort zone would end up personally exhausting instead of invigorating, so this day’s challenge only needs to be done once, or as applicable. Still thank someone every day, but if you don’t make it out of your comfort zone, that’s okay. Or if thanking ANYONE is out of your comfort zone, today is just an extra day to practice that skill (and if it’s out of your comfort zone, you’re making it too hard. work on making it easy by slipping int into conversation. It’ll get easier) before adding a new one.

Gratitude Dare

day 9: Thank You

Break out the ol’ thank you cards! For today’s challenge, tell someone thank you! You can either mail a card, tell a person in person, or take an easy route and thank them on Facebook or some other social media. My guess is that I will use all three by the end of November.

dareYou can thank just about anyone. That’s the nice thing. Sometimes it’s pretty obvious whom to thank. Other times, it will take some thinking. I find it easier to find someone to thank in the moment, because otherwise, it seems forced. But you have to watch for it.

If, by the end of the day, you haven’t found some person you are grateful for, pull out your thank you notes and think back. Is there someone who helped you out in life and went unnoticed? Is there someone that had a hand in molding your life into what it is now and had no idea they affected you so much? Write a thank you card to them. You never know how much that note will mean to them. Or to you!

Gratitude Dare

Day 8: Walk

dareToday, along with all previous challenge steps, go for a walk. In the cold (It’s November). Enjoy the weather. No seriously, enjoy the weather. So it’s cold… But is the sun still shining? You can enjoy the extra boost to the vitamin D. Is it snowing/raining? You can feel joy in the added moisture in the water supply. Cloudy? well, at least the sun isn’t scalding. This particular part of the challenge is easy for me, but not as easy for those I speak to regularly. Walking isn’t everyone’s favorite. And that’s okay. I still highly recommend it. To me, walking is “me time” at it’s fullest. I’m still able to accomplish something, so I don’t feel like my time is wasted (exercise, check! Care for my body, check! Plan my day, check!), but I can’t do too much at once, like I am prone to do if I am in my house (load laundry, eat breakfast, take notes on such-and-such, update the blog, check Facebook 10 times even though there’s nothing new, and plan what task I will be doing next; yes, I’ve done all of that at once). As women, as mothers, we are multitasking too often. In walking, we’re still multitasking, but in a balanced way that brings peace to the rest of the day. Men, too! When we are walking, we are free to think about life. We are free to balance our lives and create order internally. While walking, brains have a way of lining themselves back up, and that internal order begins spilling out externally. And then you get the benefits of the vitamin D exposure (as one who does not store vitamins properly, extra exposure is a HUGE selling point for me). And the endorphin from the body movement without the exhaustion from exertion (say that 10 times fast… exhaustion from exertion, exhaustion from exertion… yeah, enough). Walking outside helps you feel good. My life has been an adventure. I’ve never been one to say “in this moment, I am happy.” Smiling never came naturally to me. But when I walk, thoughts of that nature come into my head. I find myself smiling for no reason. Just to be outside and moving and doing right by my body, I find happiness. And that is something I am grateful for.

Gratitude Dare

Day 7: 30 seconds

How did this morning go? Need more work? Me, too. But we’ll get it. Tomorrow, continue to re-program your morning wake-up response, but let’s add a step. When you wake up in the morning, after you’ve gotten dressed (to avoid falling asleep), take 30 seconds with your eyes closed and just give thanks for being awake, alive, and cognitive. It’s funny, but adding each additional step seems to create internal warmth. just the thought of closing my eyes and just enveloping myself in thanksgiving seems to set my internal soul ablaze. I’m looking forward to that flame lasting me throughout the day.[warning]Remember: along with our morning gratitude routine, reprogram your responses to look for the silver lining, and write down 3 things you’re grateful for at the end of the day.[/warning]

Gratitude Dare

Day 6: Great Day

So we’ve helped ourselves look back on the day with positive feelings, and now it’s time to look forward to a day with positive feelings. Tomorrow morning, along with writing 3 paragraphs full of gratitude and looking for the bright side, start your day off with a pick-me-up. Though I’ve never experienced the “thrills” (aka the drug-induced chemical reactions) of coffee, I have a feeling this will be more beneficial, with less withdrawals. Although, I bet a chemical change might still happen?

When you wake up tomorrow, what is your first thought? I confess, mine is something like “ughhhh, it’s morning already?” or, “Why am I up before my alarm, again? I still have x minutes I could be asleep,” depending on if my body wakes me up or my alarm clock does. But just imagine what I could gain by changing that thought? I’m sure I’ll need some practice. But I also foresee that getting out of bed will become much easier. I will probably accomplish more, and it probably wont be as exhausting to survive all the way until the next bedtime (Seriously, why is daytime so exhausting?). Once again, I’m not seeing any downsides. As long as I don’t give up, because I’m sure I’m going to have to force-feed the statement a few times.